Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Quick Catchup
It was an interesting week and I was thrilled to make a new friend in DeVawn, Johnny's home caretaker. I wish she had been around during the many months that I fought to bring my hubby back from his strokes! A positive attitude with a gentle heart and a spirit of joy makes the perfect compliment to her bright mind. Jordon and Janet are so lucky to have found her.
But I am not recovering as quickly as I should from the trip. My stomach still doesn't know what time to get hungry and I want to nap in the middle of the day. I am beginning to wake up at the right time but I still have nightmares about the 2x2 coach space that bounced me through the storm front making it difficult to control my claustrophobia. Or maybe the memory of the airport food is the real nightmare!
Emotionally drained, hurting for those I care about and missing others that I care about; my thoughts don't seem to want to coalesce into the good, and often funny things that I can share.
Soon, the chemical imbalances will level out, the memories of herd travelling will fade and I will have a more holiday-like outlook.
I hope all the preparations for your holiday celebration are going well. Remember a little prayer for me - and lots of prayers for John Lee; my mom, Joan; my son, Greg; Jordon; Janet and Kimberly. I hope the season is filled with joy and peace and the sure knowledge of the Christ whose birth is celebrated.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Prayer Requests - More
Mary N and her children, Kyle & Sarah. Mary was recently widowed (husband died of Leukemia) and the holidays are exceptionally difficult for the family.
Woman named Sarah - lost her son to heart failure just before the holidays - please pray that she can find some peace through this difficult time.
John Parsons - teacher and webmaster of "Hebrew4Christians". He has been layed off his job and is expecting a new baby in a few months. May his web site be fully supported, book sales profitable and his needs provided for.
Kim V - Special prayers for Kim - that she may find a renewing faith and surrender her will to the Lord to become the warrior for Yeshua the Christ that G-d would have her to be. This is a critical time for her right now, the spiritual battle is extreme and difficult - please keep her in prayer.
LeeAnn & John: Travel safety over the next 15 days. We are each travelling to visit family - separately this time. I am flying - John is driving.
I have received a request to pray for the Christian believers and the YWAM workers in Orissia Provence of India. Because of the death of a Hindu priest that was wrongly blamed on the Christians - hundreds of believers and Christian workers are in danger, many have been killed. Pray for protection - and for truth to come out so the Christians are no longer blamed!
I will try to reach some of my YWAM friends to see if this can be verified - but it appears to come from a legitimate source. Pray as G-d leads!!
Pray for Luke and Marissa Ostby: Marissa is carrying twins in vitro. Pray for her to carry to term and have a safe delivery and healthy babies.
Pray for John Lee - John suffered a stroke which has affected his short term memory - which affects his ability to keep his blood sugar and blood pressure properly medicated. Pray that he will recover to a good quality of life just as my honey, John has done.
And add a few extra prayers for DeDe and her co-workers. They actually heard a blast and had to put on flack gear reminding her that she is drawing combat pay for a reason!
I've repeated a couple of these because we have some new prayer warriors - and a couple that would be exceptionally empathetic to these requests. Also, we need to keep them in prayer, especially.
As always, pray for our leaders! Give thanks for the sane and orderly transition that is being made in difficult days and pray that sanity and the spirit of cooperation will continue in the many difficult days to come.
And pray for Israel - there are so many things going on in and around the country. But this special land needs prayer for peace, acceptance, strenghth and wise leadership.
1Ki 8:28 Even so, Adonai my God, pay attention to your servant's prayer and plea, listen to the cry and prayer that your servant is praying before you today,
2Ch 6:19 Even so, Adonai my God, pay attention to your servant's prayer and plea, listen to the cry and prayer that your servant is praying before you,
Mar 11:24 Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, trust that you are receiving it, and it will be yours.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Such History I've Seen
But I do remember casting crab nets with chicken parts tied to the bottom and then fighting the cat for the catch - sometimes lots of crabs and sometimes eels and bottom fish of some kind. I remember walks on the ocean beach in the moonlight, listening to the surf and the music from the nearby nightclubs. I remember working at Shoney's Big Boy and a jewelry store for a short time and preparing for our first overseas assignment - in Spain. It was in Charleston that I started bowling and golfing. And it was in Charleston that I started being more aware of the world around me.
That all sounds so peaceful and nostalgic, doesn't it? But this was 1966 and the south was in a lot of turmoil in those days. As a Navy family, even in a town with a large base like Charleston, we had to have Navy stickers on our car so that we would not be mistaken for "northern organizers" that came to the south to start Civil Rights protests. There were a lot of angry white southerners that would have loved an excuse to beat the daylights out us. I also saw a large contingent of black citizens that were frustrated and angry. Others were resigned and kind of sad and, to be honest, there were a great many that didn't seem to care one way or the other - they just worked hard, trying to educate their children and survive in the world in which they were living.
The white population didn't mix much with the blacks - and neither group seemed terribly upset about it. In some places, the black neighborhoods, schools, stores, etc. were just as nice as any in the white neighborhoods. But there were the "stereotypical" neighborhoods of rundown shacks, rusted out cars in the yards, etc. I was too young to care about the rest of the social stratas of the south. Being a western girl, raised to never see color, I had determined after a few months in Mississippi, Georgia and Louisiana that I did not belong in this part of the country. (That is another blog - another day). I was anxious to get overseas.
But Martin Luther King and peaceful (and not so peaceful) protesters were on all the newcasts regularly (this was the OLD days - we only had 3 news channels!) and despite all the anger, the backlash violence and the horrific rhetoric of the times, I lived in hope that reason would prevail, this country would come to it's senses and people in general would recognize the equality of men and women of any color.
Two years later, Martin Luther King was dead.
Forty-two years later, we have elected a black man as President of the United States.
America has grown and changed in the past 42 years, almost as I had hoped it would. I can't really say that color had no place in this election - it very certainly did! But it was not a barrier to most people and that is a good thing. The minority communities should not feel disenfranchised any more and color of skin should no longer be any kind of a consideration for anything - at least to the majority of Americans. Unless you belong to an oppressed minority, you may not totally understand the elation, the tears and the pride that went through the black community on election night. But there is no denying the historical nature of the event!
But it is a heavy load that Barack Obama must carry. So many people have put so much responsibility on him - and that is on top of the natural responsibility of being the "first black President". He is charged with reforming our very broken government, protecting us from terrorist attacks, reforming the financial system and pulling us out of one of the largest, government sponsored recessions ever to hit this country. This one man is being asked to reverse 60 years of government mistakes in domestic policies and organization, keep America safe and FREE in a world gone crazy, represent the USA in a world that doesn't appreciate the way we "spread the wealth" and "police the world" and efficiently and effectively run the business of one of the largest countries in the world. Oh yes, and add to that, secure a prosperous future for our upcoming generations while doing away with those "stereotypical" neighborhoods which still exist today!
The man needs our prayers! The entire government needs our prayers! Since a majority of Americans seem to have chosen the path of "semi-socialism" (expecting our government to fix every problem for us - finance, education, health, religious and social) then all of us need to be on our knees praying that every governing person, but especially the President-elect, be given strength, wisdom and protection.
I pray that wisdom will prevail over politics, morality over money and pride over power as this administration tackles the many problems we face. I pray that differing points of view will be reasonably presented and honestly considered. I pray that this country will not shame itself with violence and hatred as it has in the past and that President Obama will be able to serve his elected term with grace and honor - for the sake of every American of any color.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Southern Family
Visiting here in the south has certainly been nostalgic for him. A couple of weeks ago, we went to Georgia to visit an old high school buddy and to see the "farm" where John spent a lot of his childhood. Shelly and Louisa have a great spot in the Georgia countryside and they welcomed us with typical southern open arms even though they hadn't seen "Jack" in over 30 years. After sharing lots of pictures and family history, they started teasing each other and talking about things done during high school days. Understand, this is two guys - each has had a stroke - each is at the age that they can barely remember what they had at their last meal - but neither has forgotten a single drag race, girlfriend, bad boy prank or other minutia from high school. I guarantee that one day was not enough for these two and we will be visiting with them again. I found it so very interesting to learn so much about the history of this man I live with!!
The Old Farmhouse - now abandoned.
Life on the farm must have been a great time in his life, too, because as we were travelling to the site of the "old homestead" , he regaled me with stories about the way they lived and then insisted that we eat some boiled peanuts! Now, I've actually learned to tolerate eating black-eyed peas even though they are somewhat like chalk with salt and pepper! But the boiled peanuts!!! YUCK!!! That's chalk without the salt and pepper with an added greasy mess of soft shell fragments to clean up!!! Well, okay - so I am a California salad with sprouts kind of girl and boiled peanuts, collard greens, grits and other such southern dishes do not tickle my pallet. It was fun watching John enjoy this mess, tho. He attacked them like a kid in a candy store - and for those of you that have seen him eat candy, you know what I'm talking about!!! But boiled peanuts is one southern delicacy I think I can live without.
The cottonfields in GA were mostly harvested. We were lucky enough to run across this one that was going to be harvested by hand. I have lots of other pictures to share like Charleston, Myrtle Beach, the campground that we are working for, etc. If one of the smart people out there would care to share how I can turn these into those neat little slideshow files and post them here, I'd certainly be grateful.
But, for now, it is about time for Shabbat so I must leave this story. More on our southern adventures next week. For now, please continue praying for those on the prayer list and may G-d grant you a peaceful, blessed Sabbath - whenever you celebrate your Sabbath. Shabbat Shalom!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Prayer Requests
Okay prayer warriors!! In the words of one great American - Let's Roll!!!
Prayer requests: I am first going to copy a post from Krissy because this story also broke my heart when I read it. Read through - then add this to your prayer list. These practices have been going on for centuries, I know, but there must be some hope for this child.
Please pray for Matani Shakya. She is a 3 year old girl that lives in Nepal. She was just tested and approved to be the new "Kumari" or living goddess. The testing included seeing if she had perfect hair, perfect teeth, perfect eyes, with out any scars on her body, and lives without any fear of the dark. To prove that she is not afraid of the dark she had to sleep in a room alone with the heads of ritually slaughtered goats and buffalo. Now that she is approved she will live in almost total isolation in a temple with out her parents only to have people come in and bow at her feet and place their foreheads on her feet. Until the time she starts to menstruate and then she is sent home to most likely never marry because of Nepalese folklore states that any man that marries a former Kumari will die young (not to mention the irreversible damage done to a child being completely isolated without her family) I read this and just felt lead to ask people to pray for her. She is 3 years old for goodness sake!!! To also pray for the continued work that is happening in Nepal to increase the rights of children.
Pray for Barbara O - looking at knee replacement surgery that should have been done last month but has been suffering from an infection of some kind and surgery had to be delayed. Pray for healing of the infection and a successful, uneventful surgery with a quick recovery.
Pray for Luke and Marissa Ostby: Marissa is carrying twins in vitro. Pray for her to carry to term and have a safe delivery and healthy babies.
Pray for John Lee - John suffered a stroke which has affected his short term memory - which affects his ability to keep his blood sugar and blood pressure properly medicated. Pray that he will recover to a good quality of life just as my honey, John has done.
Pray for Jordon, Sharin & Janet - that they may have the patience and the fortitude required to help John Lee in the very difficult months ahead.
Pray for everyone at Mountain Ministries - These wonderful people are so committed to helping break addictions. They do great work and never ask for money, yet G-d provides every day. Pray for each resident to find recovery and freedom and for the teachers, counselors and supporters to be blessed in their work.
Pray for Gabby Stirnaman - She had her first bad experience away from home and while not hurt, she was frightened. Please pray that she will learn from the experience and will gain strength and confidence to NOT maintain the attitude of a victim.
Pray for Richard Wiggins - also a stroke victim but not recovering well. He seems to have given up on life before it was necessary. Pray that he will make the effort to recover and find good health.
Pray for Rabbi Paul, Nancy, Peggy and Pastor Jim - They are travelling in Israel, working on a pregnancy education center there and touring a little in off times. Suffering with illness and fatigue, they need strength and good health and safety for the rest of their trip.
Pray for DeDe and all our troops and civilian workers in Iraq and Afghanistan and the families they left behind - May G-d keep them safe and well and bring them home with pride and victory!
And, always, pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Tomorrow, I'm going to introduce you to my hubby, John. We have been on a trip down memory lane, visiting his old homestead, the family graves and some friends from his high school days. Anybody know the difference between black eyed peas and boiled peanuts???
Until then - Shalom
A Sleepless Night
Now, don't get me wrong!! Some of them are very interesting (the forwards, that is) and some make me smile. Some are even cute enough to send on to others. But, since I never receive an actual communication from many of you, I must assume that the forwards are your way of answering my emails. This will be easier. Is my logic flawed??
As to why I can't sleep tonight - I don't really know. I have a long prayer list - several people are heavy on my heart tonight so that may be part of it.
Also, I'm missing my children and grandchildren tonight. The hardest part of leading a gypsy kind of life is not being any part of my family's life. We are all a rather independent bunch but we used to gather round for the occassional holiday or special event. Everyone is so scattered these days that it is difficult to get one part of the family together - much less all of them in one spot! And there is so much time between visits that it takes awhile to stop feeling like a stranger to my own family. At other times, I don't necessarily feel estranged - but I can't be there when I feel as though I could be helpful - like helping a grandchild through a rough time or helping out when someone is sick. So, some nights I miss the big Thanksgiving dinners, the birthday parties and the regular sharing that is part of the normal family life.
But, that's okay!! I'm always better in the morning!!! 'Cause we have never been normal and because I'm not cooking, cleaning or planning events. I'm golfing, sightseeing, learning a new language, learning how to blog or planning my next big adventure! This coming summer is New England and Nova Scotia and next summer is Alaska!!!
And in this age of economic chaos (and it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better!), world turmoil and cultural and class warfare, I simply feel blessed to be out and about enjoying the wonder and beauty that G-d created in this land. My children turned out to be wonderful , successful people in spite of my best efforts to ruin them and I really do enjoy their company. I apologize to them for not leaving the world a better place for them - but I left them better for the world. And now, I am blessed with the peace and contentment of this new lifestyle and I hope to enjoy it for a long time yet. Oh! And I will share pictures as soon as figure out how to do it.
Tomorrow I will post requests for prayers. I hope the various prayer warriors will activate the prayer chains for these requests and then bring me your requests that I might pass them on to the many others I've met in my travels.
Shalom - Baruch aba b'Shem Adonai - G-d Bless!