Thursday, November 13, 2008

Prayer Requests

What a great day! I actually got to share a few words with my daughter today on the facebook chat line. It wasn't much as my computer connection gave out on me (I'm in a bit of dead zone here) right in the middle of it. But any little bit certainly helps me feel a little closer.

Okay prayer warriors!! In the words of one great American - Let's Roll!!!

Prayer requests: I am first going to copy a post from Krissy because this story also broke my heart when I read it. Read through - then add this to your prayer list. These practices have been going on for centuries, I know, but there must be some hope for this child.

Please pray for Matani Shakya. She is a 3 year old girl that lives in Nepal. She was just tested and approved to be the new "Kumari" or living goddess. The testing included seeing if she had perfect hair, perfect teeth, perfect eyes, with out any scars on her body, and lives without any fear of the dark. To prove that she is not afraid of the dark she had to sleep in a room alone with the heads of ritually slaughtered goats and buffalo. Now that she is approved she will live in almost total isolation in a temple with out her parents only to have people come in and bow at her feet and place their foreheads on her feet. Until the time she starts to menstruate and then she is sent home to most likely never marry because of Nepalese folklore states that any man that marries a former Kumari will die young (not to mention the irreversible damage done to a child being completely isolated without her family) I read this and just felt lead to ask people to pray for her. She is 3 years old for goodness sake!!! To also pray for the continued work that is happening in Nepal to increase the rights of children.

Pray for Barbara O - looking at knee replacement surgery that should have been done last month but has been suffering from an infection of some kind and surgery had to be delayed. Pray for healing of the infection and a successful, uneventful surgery with a quick recovery.

Pray for Luke and Marissa Ostby: Marissa is carrying twins in vitro. Pray for her to carry to term and have a safe delivery and healthy babies.

Pray for John Lee - John suffered a stroke which has affected his short term memory - which affects his ability to keep his blood sugar and blood pressure properly medicated. Pray that he will recover to a good quality of life just as my honey, John has done.

Pray for Jordon, Sharin & Janet - that they may have the patience and the fortitude required to help John Lee in the very difficult months ahead.

Pray for everyone at Mountain Ministries - These wonderful people are so committed to helping break addictions. They do great work and never ask for money, yet G-d provides every day. Pray for each resident to find recovery and freedom and for the teachers, counselors and supporters to be blessed in their work.

Pray for Gabby Stirnaman - She had her first bad experience away from home and while not hurt, she was frightened. Please pray that she will learn from the experience and will gain strength and confidence to NOT maintain the attitude of a victim.

Pray for Richard Wiggins - also a stroke victim but not recovering well. He seems to have given up on life before it was necessary. Pray that he will make the effort to recover and find good health.

Pray for Rabbi Paul, Nancy, Peggy and Pastor Jim - They are travelling in Israel, working on a pregnancy education center there and touring a little in off times. Suffering with illness and fatigue, they need strength and good health and safety for the rest of their trip.

Pray for DeDe and all our troops and civilian workers in Iraq and Afghanistan and the families they left behind - May G-d keep them safe and well and bring them home with pride and victory!

And, always, pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Tomorrow, I'm going to introduce you to my hubby, John. We have been on a trip down memory lane, visiting his old homestead, the family graves and some friends from his high school days. Anybody know the difference between black eyed peas and boiled peanuts???

Until then - Shalom


  1. Hi LeeAnn
    It was great to get your email and I am a happy reader of the gypsy prayer wagon. I love that you have written out all of your prayer requests on your blog. It is a very practical way to get people praying for those that you love. I will add them all to my list tonight. I go to a Lifegroup on Thursday nights and we are active prayers there so I will pass on the requests.
    I got your cd in the mail a few weeks ago but I still have not taken the moment to pop it in to see what is on it. Thanks so much for sending it to me. God Bless you LeeAnn. Safe travels to you

  2. LOVE black-eyed peas ... not so enthralled with boiled peanuts, but they are very popular mid-west to south ... Have five pounds in my freezer hubby just "had to have" ... seems he doesn't like them either!
    Welcome to the blogosphere kiddo ... if we ever get too old to learn hopefully He will take us home!
